

SKU: mem-cat Categories: , Tag:


Find peace with the loss of your precious cat with this cat memorial. Choose a color that best matches your kitty’s fur color, their eye color or the color of their collar. Size is approximately 2.5″ to 3″ in diameter, although this may fluctuate due to being handmade in our Hot Shop Select one or two colors from the “Soft Glass Color Chart”

Light stand not included.


Additional information

Dimensions 3 × 3 in
Soft Glass Colors

cobalt blue, lapis blue, sky blue, turquoise, gray, ruby red, coral red, carrot, saffron, yellow, sparkly green, apple green, bright green, amber, creamy coffee, blackish, amethyst, light purple, magenta, light pink

Second Soft Glass Color

cobalt blue, lapis blue, sky blue, turquoise, gray, ruby red, coral red, carrot, saffron, yellow, sparkly green, apple green, bright green, amber, creamy coffee, blackish, amethyst, light purple, magenta, light pink, No Second Color