
Pickle Class – 20% off 12/15 to 12/24/24

Original price was: $85.00.Current price is: $68.00. 60 minutes



A Hot Glass Experience in the Flame Shop

Details: This experience takes place in the Flame Shop, where students stand at their own hot torch and make as many of the class item as they’d like. This is a one-hour class and normally costs $85 per person and is currently on sale for 20% off.

Age Limits: Children ages 12+ may take the class with at least one adult aged 21 or over registering and taking the class with them. Discounted classes are limited to one to three students per class.

Finding us: We are located at 79 Hadley Road in Jaffrey, on the blue side of the building.  

Gift Shop: We no longer have a large retail space; you will enter through our “Pop Up Shop” which is open to the public by chance when we have enough staff.