Where to find our glass
For those times when the Pop Up Shop is closed and you just NEED some glass…
Please visit these fine establishments that have our glass for sale!
Creative Connections 56 Main Street (Rt 12) Ashburnham, MA
Historical Society of Cheshire County 246 Main Street, Keene, NH
Post and Beam Brewery 40 Grove Street, Peterborough, NH
Prayers of Nature 33 Howard Street, Wilton, NH
Shadow & Soul Emporium 20 Main Street, Keene, NH
Beepa and Lulu’s Restaurant 180 Concord Street, Peterborough, NH
Casual Cat Picture Framing & Unique Gifts 141 NH 101A, Amherst, NH
Jaffrey Chamber of Commerce 7 Main Street, Jaffrey, NH

Visit Us
(Open by appointment only)
79 Hadley Road
(Just off Route 202)
Jaffrey, NH 03452
Open Hours
Open by appointment only
Please use our calendar to schedule an appointment: